Our mission
Our mission is to speed up exploitation of the rooftop potential in urban areas by developing new and durable high quality (blue-green) roofscapes and roofgardens with existing and new products and technology. Where in the past a 'roof' was defined as 'top part of a building protecting it from the weather', Urban Roofscapes develops multifunctional rooftops based on our new definition of 'roof'.
Definition of a Roof (the, plural; roofs);
Highest level of a building that contributes to the quality of life in the building, generating added value for water- and energy management of the building, while at the same time enhancing economical and natural functioning of the building in order to minimize its impact on the environment and contribute to quality of life in the area the building is located in. (Urban Roofscapes, 2016)
Roofscapes are designed with local partners, addressing local issues, using local knowledge and are supplemented with our international knowledge base and expertise within our network. We do not stop at the design of these innovative roofscapes. Every design will be realized as a full scale pilot, because the true value of roofscapes should not only be demonstrated in designs, but must also be experienced by customers, partners and interested parties by being able to visit the created landscape itself. 'Create by design, learn by doing', that is what we do.